10/17/10 Ava loves baby dolls. Lately, she wraps them up and puts them to bed, then tells me, "Shhhh, baby sleeping, I momma."
10/6/10 I walked into the kitchen to find an half of a dollar on the counter. I asked Ashlyn and Alyssa why they cut the dollar in half. Alyssa said, "Ashlyn didn't have one, so I cut mine in half." They were so sweet, I just had to give them another dollar. I taped the cut one back together.
9/12/10 Ashlyn knows all of the primary program songs and loves to sing them. Today in primary I could hear her above the entire junior primary. I was at the back of the room and she was facing the front, in the front row. Her favorite song right now is "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." I was also happy to see Alyssa singing today at church, usually she saves her singing for at home.
9/5/10 Ava has started talking more. Here are a few of the things I have been able to understand: "Mooow" (No), "I done", "Baby" and "I mommy", "By" (said very loud, her voice carries like Ashlyn's), "Cheese", "DADdy", "Grandpa", "I poop" (meaning I want to sit on the toilet, she goes pee in the potty, but so far no poop)
8/1/10 Ava runs, squeels, and dances when she's excited to see you. She makes your feel so good.
7/28/10 Ashlyn and Alyssa were asking how much I loved them. I answered. Then they both said I love as much as the world (meaning as big as). They can be so sweet.
Ashlyn and Alyssa were doing cartwheels. Then I noticed Ava doing "cartwheels". She stands up with her arms straight above her head, then falls down on her side. Then she looks at us with a huge smile on her face, and claps.
Mom: Ava do you want...?
Ava: Sss. (That's yes)
Alyssa: I want some butella.
Ashlyn: Alyssa, it's not butella, it's nutella.
Alyssa: Can I have some butella?
Ashlyn: Lyssaaa!
Ava: We were at my mom's house, and Ava was trying to sit up on the toilet, so I took off her pants and diaper and sat her up there. I couldn't believe it, but she tried to go to the bathroom and three toots came out. She smiled like she was proud of herself.
Ashlyn: That's freakin' me out!
Mom Thinking: Where did she hear that?
Ava's Words: Eye, Dog, most other communcation is pointing at what she wants then hits herself in the chest
Mom: Do you want ...?
Ashlyn: Of course I do.
Alyssa: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom...
Mom: What?
Alyssa: I love you.
We love forts! I heard it's been pretty cold down there. Don't freeze.