Blaine, Emily, Ashlyn, Alyssa and Ava and the stuff we do
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm getting so BIG
On February 1st, Ava tried out her play saucer for the first time. She likes it better than I thought she would. Ashlyn and Alyssa more time in it than she does. It's like it's new again for them.
10/17/10 Ava loves baby dolls. Lately, she wraps them up and puts them to bed, then tells me, "Shhhh, baby sleeping, I momma."
10/6/10 I walked into the kitchen to find an half of a dollar on the counter. I asked Ashlyn and Alyssa why they cut the dollar in half. Alyssa said, "Ashlyn didn't have one, so I cut mine in half." They were so sweet, I just had to give them another dollar. I taped the cut one back together.
9/12/10 Ashlyn knows all of the primary program songs and loves to sing them. Today in primary I could hear her above the entire junior primary. I was at the back of the room and she was facing the front, in the front row. Her favorite song right now is "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." I was also happy to see Alyssa singing today at church, usually she saves her singing for at home.
9/5/10 Ava has started talking more. Here are a few of the things I have been able to understand: "Mooow" (No), "I done", "Baby" and "I mommy", "By" (said very loud, her voice carries like Ashlyn's), "Cheese", "DADdy", "Grandpa", "I poop" (meaning I want to sit on the toilet, she goes pee in the potty, but so far no poop)
8/1/10 Ava runs, squeels, and dances when she's excited to see you. She makes your feel so good.
7/28/10 Ashlyn and Alyssa were asking how much I loved them. I answered. Then they both said I love as much as the world (meaning as big as). They can be so sweet.
Ashlyn and Alyssa were doing cartwheels. Then I noticed Ava doing "cartwheels". She stands up with her arms straight above her head, then falls down on her side. Then she looks at us with a huge smile on her face, and claps.
Mom: Ava do you want...?
Ava: Sss. (That's yes)
Alyssa: I want some butella.
Ashlyn: Alyssa, it's not butella, it's nutella.
Alyssa: Can I have some butella?
Ashlyn: Lyssaaa!
Ava: We were at my mom's house, and Ava was trying to sit up on the toilet, so I took off her pants and diaper and sat her up there. I couldn't believe it, but she tried to go to the bathroom and three toots came out. She smiled like she was proud of herself.
Ashlyn: That's freakin' me out!
Mom Thinking: Where did she hear that?
Ava's Words: Eye, Dog, most other communcation is pointing at what she wants then hits herself in the chest
Mom: Do you want ...?
Ashlyn: Of course I do.
Alyssa: Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom...
Mom: What?
Alyssa: I love you.
Yes she is! She looks like Alyssa in this picture.